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One Word or Less Comic Reviews for July 26th, 2017

Reviewed this week, in ascending order of awesome:

Shirtless Bear-Fighter #2

WWE #7

Infamous Iron Man #10

Doom Patrol #7

Doctor Aphra #10

Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #21

All Star Batman #12

Rick and Morty #28

Saga #45


Shirtless Bear-Fighter has a good amount of zaniness and fun. I wouldn’t blame anyone for enjoying it. But for me it stands as evidence that being wacky isn’t enough to sustain a story. I enjoyed reading it but I’m certainly not liking it enough to keep spending four dollars an issue.

If you want silly for the sake of silly, and you’d be interested in taking it to another level, I would recommend God Hates Astronauts. That book was endlessly strange, and while it also wasn’t the strongest of stories the pure unbridled insanity helped. And its writer and artist Ryan Browne is now drawing some of that crazy on Curse Words with Charles Soule, which is a bit less blatantly over the top but has a better plot. Regardless, I’d advise you to read one or both of those comics before you get Shirtless Bear-Fighter. It’s a bronze medal humor book at best.

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