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One Word or Less Comic Reviews for August 17th


Reviewed this week, in ascending order of awesome:

Civil War II: Gods of War #3

Power Man & Iron Fist #7

Black Widow #6

Poe Cameron #5

Spider-Woman #10

Captain America: Sam Wilson #12

Mighty Thor #10

Ultimates #10

Batman #5

The Wicked + The Divine #22


Most of the books I got from Marvel this week were connected to Civil War. Most of the books I got last week from Marvel were connected to Civil War. And the week before that. You get the idea. There are only so many times you can get ten pages into a comic and have the conversation about taking sides or a Captain Marvel or Iron Man cameo (usually about taking sides, or the ends justifying the means) until you’re just sick of it all. It doesn’t help that the main book seems to be slipping from a monthly schedule to something closer to every six weeks or more. That’s a long time to be stuck hitting the same plot points in each tie-in.

I’m enjoying a lot of what Marvel’s doing with Civil War II, and I look forward to finishing out the main series. I just wish the rest of the Marvel comics I read could move on a bit faster.

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